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The Heart of Trentino

Ancient knowledge and innovation

Our history and territory best tell the story of who we are and what we have been doing every day for more than 150 years.

The Bertagnolli Distillery is in the Piana Rotaliana, nestled between two rivers and surrounded by the Brenta Dolomites. It is here that the ancient secrets of distillation are combined with state-of-the-art technology.

he Piana Rotaliana is frequently referred to as "the most beautiful vineyard in Europe." It is the location that gives our distillates their distinct aromas and flavors.

Distilleria Bertagnolli - Cuore Trentino from Distilleria Bertagnolli on Vimeo.

A place that
makes a difference

Nature provides the best

The distinctive flavor of Bertagnolli distillates and grappas originates from the region's clean air, soft sunlight, and lush valleys of the Brenta Dolomites.

Additionally, the territory represents cooperation and relationships. Our renowned grappas, distillates, and infusions are made from the essence of the finest raw materials that are carefully selected by local suppliers who have worked with our distillery for generations.

The Essence
of the Territory

A force of nature

The microclimate of the Piana Rotaliana is surrounded by the majestic Brenta Dolomites, a UNESCO World Heritage Site, and nourished by two rivers creating the perfect ripening conditions for the grapes.

The secret behind the goodness and excellence of our distillery creations lies in the demineralization process of the pure water, a precious asset that flows from the Noce and Adige Rivers.

Our collection

An Evolving Narrative

A tradition evolves

From our origins 150 years ago to the present day, many things have evolved: the great classics, valuable new collections, and the look of our selections. We make it a priority to find premium raw materials while keeping in mind environmental sustainability.

The stages of our history

Tours and Tastings

Discover the world of our distillery, a world full of emotions, ancient charm, and unique flavors.